Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Words of Isaiah

  • I've never been able to understand the words of Isaiah.  As plain and simple as the Book of Mormon is, 1 Nephi 20 & 21are not! I remember my husband telling me how he relished in reading Isaiah in the Book of Mormom bc if Nephi thought that those words were important enough to talk about again in his writings then we better pay better attention to them! 
  • It just seems like he is talking to the lost tribes of Israel or the broken branch of the olive tree that needs to be grafted back in.  And I wonder, is that me?  Or am I the Gentile and he is speaking to others? 
  • When his brothers asked about them (bc it seems they were just as confused as I was!), Nephi said Isaiah was talking about things both temporal and spiritual.
  • In 1 Nephi 22:10, it says that all the kindreds of the earth cannot be blessed unless he shall make bare his arm in the eyes of the nations. In Isaiah 52:10, the footnotes say "to make bare his arm" also means the power of God.  I'm wondering if that means in order for us to be blessed, we must show our faith in the power of God.  This would make sense as things of God are being trampled on so readily.  Like taking down the 10 Commandments inside government buildings or ceasing any pryaers in schools and what not.  Why would we want to revoke any blessings that the Lord would readily give us if we showed our faith in Him?