Sunday, October 21, 2007

Strenthen Home and Family

Sister Mary N. Cook:
*"The Lord is depending on you to bring the blessings of the gospel to your family."
*"As you personally study the scriptures, you will come to know the Savior and His teachings. From His example you will know how to love, serve, and forgive members of your family."
*"As you live worthily and renew this covenant weekly [baptism through taking of the Sacrament bread/water], you will qualify for the guidance of the Spirit. The Holy Ghost will guide you and will teach you what you should do to bless your family.
*4-point program to assure my happiness and bless my family, too.
1. Pray
2. Study scriptures
3. Pay your tithing
4. Attend your meetings
I especially liked how she turned it around and could my prayer or my studying the scriptures, etc help any of my family members? So much food for thought!