We all have our good days and our bad days. Today just might be one of those bad days. I remember in seminary how we were encouraged to keep a "Thankful" journal -- that we should write at least 5 things in it everyday. I know that when I do this it helps me keep perspective on how good things are and not dwell so much on the negative.
So, here it goes. I'm grateful for -->
- my little family
- the smiles my children give
- a daughter that is excited to do her homework
- children who like to be active, who love to read and love to snuggle
- children who are quick to forgive me of my short comings
- my scriptures and the calming peace that come from studying them
- inspired church leaders
- my calling as a nursery chorister
- cell phones and the internet so we can call, hear and/or see my husband when he is away
- a husband who has a strong work ethic and tries to excel in his job no matter what is thrown at him
- a husband who loves to play with our children
- a husband who takes a 5 minute break from studying to say goodnight to our kids over the phone
- a working van to get us places
- a warm roof over our heads now that it is getting cold
- a husband who thinks ahead by getting me my own car charger...which I used this last week
- family and other people who are willing to give hand me downs to my children
- food storage and the knowledge/peace it gives me in having it, the $ it saves me when we need to tighten our budget
- the opportunity to visit teach other sisters so I can get to know other women in the ward -- I tend to be shy at first so this helps me get out of my bubble
- family and friends who encourage better eating habits and also support me in keeping to it
- fruit...even though you are my nemesis you still give me energy and strength when I eat you :-p
- recipes from others who help me know how to cook
- the opportunity to celebrate 9 years of marriage next month
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