Friday, February 22, 2008

My To-Do List of 2007

(I'm cleaning up my blog but didn't want to lose this list. )

My To-Do List
1. Take time for breathers
2. Fasting and prayer in times of solemnity
3. Action is required to build testimony
4. Don't get so busy you forget to enjoy the peace
5. Turn to my Heavenly Father for strength and support
6. There is no room for complacency in living the gospel of Jesus Christ
7. Be patient for answers to prayers
8. Humbling yourself is bettern than being compelled to be humble
9. Nourish a particle of faith
10. Don't get caught in the SuperWoman Syndrome
11. Have the Lord shine through my countenance
12. Don't give in or give up fighting for your values/standards!
13. Keep a more positive, productive, and loving attitude
14. Learn to love His law to bring greater peace into my life
15. Maintain my oil in my lamp
16. Strive to be merciful, deal justly, judge righteously and do good continually
17. Find, read, ponder, and act upon the current/recent words of our prophet today


ShaBANG said...

oh WOW! your to do list of 2007. Amazing. I can't even begin to think I could do most of that right now. I"m going to pick about5 of these and really make an effort to concentrate on them for 2009.
You are one of my greatest examples, thank you for that.

Joycelyn said...

This was not a list that I came up with at one time. It was a list I was compiling throughout that year while studying the scriptures and gospel principles. It used to be on the side of my blog. Anywho. I'm such a slacker. I need to update this blog!!