My "Spiritual To Do List" according to the words spoken in General Conference October 2015
Prophets straightforward message: Keep the Commandments!
Everyone should reach out in faith to rescue every soul from whom he is responsible for.
Knowing that God calls us through His authorized servants to callings, should be the source of our courage to persevere, whatever the callings are.
Be not afriad, only believe. We can choose to believe.
There is nothing noble or impressive about being cynical. Be faithful.
Practice the principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and to live true to God's Commandments.
Even when we have repented of a sinful behavior, the addiction may remain. The guilt from it can be relieved through strength from our Savior!
Remember that what cures us from pain and heartache is our Savior and His Atonement.
Our Savior can give us strength we need to overcome mortal challenges when we seek His help through His Atonement.
Works without faith is dead. We must have faith with works to receive answers.
Remember past spiritual experiences.
Words of Christ can tell us what we should do.
Daily scripture study can help open doors of revelation.
Obedience, scripture study, prayer and fasting are all personal religious habits that I need to strengthen me against temptation to murmur or doubt.
If I want answers to my prayers, I need to ask with a sincere heart and real intent.
If we want stronger spiritual power, we need to choose to heed prophetic counsel, recognize and act upon spiritual promptings, be obedient to God's commandments, and seek personal revelation.
We have the power to choose belief over doubt.
By seeking His light, the Lord offers us greater assurance, greater confirmation, and greater confidence in the spiritual direction we are traveling.
Seeking His light can bless us with confidence, determination, comfort, and the power to know He lives.
If we receive His light, we can receive more light and that light can grow stronger and brighter.
To ignore and discount past spiritual experiences will distance us from God.
Remember spiritual blessings and feelings that have penetrated our hearts and lives in the past and place our faith in Heavenly Father.
Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith!
We must act, expecting that the Lord will fulfill His promise to lift us from the darkness if we draw near unto Him.
Remember that those who truly love us can help build our faith, not tear us down.
Don't listen to strangers or those who claim to be enlightened when they have no light. (aka: social media trolls hiding behind a screen)
Relying on the light of others temporarily while I struggle with seeing my own light is not wrong.
Prepare myself with the powerful light of spiritual strength.
Invite others to come to church.
Express compassion when our family and friends are suffering.
Smile at others!
Go the extra mile in our efforts.
Be willing to bear one another's burdens.
Be worthy to take the Sacrament, hold a temple recommend, go to the temple regularly, serve in church, go about doing good.
Exercise my faith every day so that I can wax stronger and firmer in my faith. Don't let my faith atrophy.
Marriage is not only about what I want, it's also about what my companion wants and who He needs me to be.
Pay tithing, save, live with your means.
Be humble enough to be lead along when we hear His voice and the voice of His servants.
The scripture stories tell us how righteous people react to temptation and evil: They AVOID it!
We are responsible to think about the consequences of every choice we make.
Adherence to sacred gospel principles will allow me to be temple worthy, help me find happiness in this life, and lead me back my Heavenly home.
Living a righteous life can invite the Holy Ghost into my life to be a cleansing agent, a voice of warning, a voice of protection, help me avoid temptations or dangers, comfort and lead me through challenges.
Keeping the Sabbath is a refuge from the storms of life.
Observing the Sabbath Day can strengthen families, connect us with God, and increase happiness.
Develop and demonstrate conduct and appearance that declare we are true followers of Christ.
Exercise self-control like a muscle and it'll get stronger each time to avoid temptations.
We should be temple-worthy in good times and in bad times.
We must be righteous, follow rules, and be prepared for difficult times.
Having the companionship of the Holy Ghost will make us better people -- are my actions always inviting the Spirit or pushing the Spirit away?
Keep the Sabbath Day more holy by not doing our own pleasure, but doing God's will.
Repentance is a process that requires consistency in each of its steps. Don't become entangled in the vanities of the world.
We must be willing to act when we receive an answer.
We need to ask the Lord for directions along the way -- "How can I improve?"
We choose to be HAPPY or SAD during trials.
If we follow His example, love God, and serve others with kindness and compassion, THEN we may STAND IN PURITY, blameless before God at the last day.
I can find happiness and joy as I utilize the tools Heavenly Father has given me to stay clean and virtuous.
As I learn of my Divine Worth, I can learn to see the Divine Worth of others.
If You Could Hie to Kolob and Adam-ondi-Ahman Celtic Hymn Medley by Ricky Valadez